Common vacuum forming machine

The status quo of BOPS thermoforming machine molding

by:Mengxing     2020-06-08
Actually many times, we need to use plastic cups with or plastic box are created by molding machine, the machine as a kind of plastic products production equipment. Is divided into a lot of kinds, mainly is according to the use of plastic material is qualitative different, and are classified, one of the BOPS thermoforming machine is a typical mechanical. And molding machine is not only used in plastic industry, also has been used in blister, here is to introduce one kind of thick slices blister forming machine. As a kind of hot molding equipment, thick slices blister forming machine can have a large size and complicated shape, size requirement is not precise plastic products, some way can take the place of plastic, glass reinforced plastics, metal shell, etc. , blister mould has low manufacturing cost, the advantages of short development cycle. And today with the rapid development of plastic industry, growing thick slices blister use areas, the blister machine status is increasingly important, and difficult to meet the needs of users. At present, the most thick slices blister users mostly adopt Taiwan imports of machinery production, etc. Its energy saving, production efficiency, high thick slices blister into thick slices blister machinery development bottleneck. At present domestic can take the place of Taiwan machinery few thick slices blister machinery manufacturers, this is the machine or system cup machines since the development of plastic processing machinery, such as defects.
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