Common vacuum forming machine

How much should be heating vacuum vacuum forming machine

by:Mengxing     2020-07-11
Preheat 40 - after into PVC laminating machine 50 seconds. 170-2, machine display temperature 200 degrees, to understand how much cooling machine. 3, negative pressure: 0. 08 - 0. 09. 4, 90 seconds. 5, come. 0. 25 MMPVC craft preheating 50 - after 1, PVC into the laminating machine In 70 seconds. 0. 18 MMPVC craft that 180-2, machine display temperature 240 degrees, to understand how much cooling machine. 3, negative pressure: 0. 08 - 0. 09. 4, 180 seconds. 5, come. 0. 35 MMPVC craft preheating 60 - after 1, PVC into the laminating machine In 75 seconds. 180-2, exhibition hong machine display temperature 280 degrees, to understand how much cooling machine. 3, negative pressure: 0. 08 - 0. 09. 4, 180 seconds. 5, come. Exhibition hong 2480 vacuum laminating machine, heating time 25 seconds molding time, vacuum time: 160 - 180 seconds, the sea in 170 seconds. A timing, forming time: 165 seconds PV temperature: SV temperature: 0. 08, the blue g: preheating time: 35 seconds vacuum time: 175 seconds, of the sea in 170 seconds. Molding time: 160 seconds PV temperature: 172 sv temperature: 1750. 095 0. 45 mm high PVC manufacture craft, PVC into the laminating machine after preheating 45-1 55 seconds. To learn more about vacuum molding machine information can direct access to the website: WWW. chxjx。 com
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