Common vacuum forming machine

High speed is negative pressure suction machine maintenance

by:Mengxing     2020-07-19
High speed is negative pressure suction machine maintenance we are to understand the negative pressure suction machine maintenance and maintenance, not a machine to buy, it is ok to like dust that can advance the aging of the machine. So, how do I want to increase the life of the machine? First, we need to do the following five: 1. Maintain clean sanitation, after downtime should eliminate internal dirt and debris around; 2. The slide guide pillar weifang web design, bearing and chain wheel must keep good lubrication condition, often lubrication; 3. Gas circuit of the water filter each class should be water, oil mist device should often come on, to ensure the normal use of electromagnetic valve and cylinder; 4. Each class should be huan see vacuum pump oil level ( The oil shall not be lower than the oil level line) ; Should be put in vacuum pump oil once a month; 5. Often observe oil amount of oil mist, timely adjustment of oil amount, new role getting larger, About 3 days 1 bottle of oil) Use after a week can reduce the guarantee each pneumatic components have adequate lubrication.
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