Common vacuum forming machine

British Northern Ireland issued qualified plastic thermoforming machine particle products regulations

by:Mengxing     2020-07-17
Northern Ireland released on May 10, cherish the environment ( Plastic thermoforming machine particles) ( Northern Ireland) Regulations 2018 ( 环境保护( 微磁) ( 北爱尔兰) 规定2018) 。 The law prevents particles diameter less than 5 mm plastic thermoforming machine type is used to wash the ego care products, and to ban the sale of any products that contain such ingredients. These products include used for cleaning, cherish or flavored body parts, maintain or recover its status, or change the surface of any products, including shampoo, bath liquid and washing liquid, soap and toothpaste and other products. Regulations will take effect in September 2018.
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